The public library in the political process : report of the Public Library Inquiry / by Oliver Garceau with the assistance of C. Dewitt Hardy ... [ et al.]
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Garceau, Oliver (1911-1987)
The public library in the political process : report of the Public Library Inquiry / by Oliver Garceau with the assistance of C. Dewitt Hardy ... [ et al.] [Material textual]. -- 2a impr. -- New York : Columbia University Press, 1950
Apéndices: p. 241-246.
Indice: p. 247-254.
1. BIBLIOTECAS PUBLICAS; 2. POLITICAS BIBLIOTECARIAS; 3. ASOCIACIONES PROFESIONALES; 4. BIBLIOTECARIOS; 5. ESTADISTICAS; 6. Estados Unidos; 7. 027.5; 8. 061.2:02 I. Hardy, C. Dewitt II. Leigh, Robert D. III. Orden, Lillian IV. O'D. Pierce, Watson